Become Kong. Become Legend!

Introducing The
Genesis Collection

Every holder is a co-owner of the fund and a member of the Council,
making them a collaborator in the decision making process as well as a beneficiary.

The Kong Investment NFT Group (K.I.N.G) is an exclusive community working collectively on managing a common portfolio invested in both Crypto and NFT projects based on a Collective Selection Process.

Before there was a K.I.N.G. club, there were Kong’s enjoying their time in a casino on the ethereum blockchain. One night, with the dream of building their own casino, some Kong’s gathered and decided that it was about time that they join forces. In order to Make money work for them! They knew that, the bigger the capital the bigger the rewards. After long hours of debates they decided to collectively manage a fund that they would invest in the Crypto and NFT markets. The success of that target depended on unique ownership and collaboration between associates. 777 Kongs now known as the Genesis Kongs got together and launched: Kong Investment NFT Group (K.I.N.G.)

Collection of 777 NFTs

K.I.N.G #742

K.I.N.G #434

K.I.N.G #406

Minted October 2021 Sold Out

Our main collection of 777 Genesis Kong’s provides access to our voting mechanisms, our Investment Model, V.I.P chat with industry professionals within Blockchain Gaming, NFTs, Finance, Whiteliststs.

Blockchain Gaming

NFT games come in many shapes and forms. Some require an NFT for entry, others (such as Derace) require an NFT to earn. The DAO considers many forms of investment with gaming being a part of that ongoing strategy.


The DAO focuses on acquiring NFT’s that are expected to do well or have an element of long term passive income. Rollbots are an example of an NFT that not only functions as a digital art collectible but doubles up by having ongoing exclusive benefits and rewards.


Cryptocurrency is at the heart of our organisation. But whether we look to hold a particular currency, stake it for rewards, trade or convert it to another asset is entirely up to the DAO. Sound interesting? why not jump into our discord and meet the community.


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